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賴三小 發表於 2018-2-5 11:12:07

gn00010355 發表於 2018-1-16 17:30:25


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冰人 發表於 2018-2-2 17:13:56



keed1219 發表於 2020-7-31 23:05:07

本帖最后由 keed1219 于 2020-7-31 23:07 ??


檳榔100 發表於 2020-12-30 22:23:56

本帖最后由 檳榔100 于 2020-12-30 23:54 ??


jacky1123 發表於 2021-8-27 10:17:52

本帖最后由 jacky1123 于 2021-8-27 10:19 ??


LarisaAliet 發表於 2024-7-6 23:27:24

Thanks you

?? ??? 2018-2-2 17:13


Appreciation you

DavidVef 發表於 2024-7-15 20:14:01

Ведение Бухучета Услуги

?? ??? 2018-2-2 17:13


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SidneyFup 發表於 3 天前


??100 ??? 2020-12-30 22:23
????? ??100 ? 2020-12-30 23:54 ??

Apple is offering rare iPhone discounts in China
Apple is offering temporary discounts on its iPhones and other products in China, in an extremely rare move for Apple that comes as competition within Asia’s smartphone market grows more intense.


As part of a sale pegged to the Lunar New Year event, Apple’s official Chinese website is listing discounts of up to 500 RMB ($70) on the latest iPhone lineup. Other flagship Apple products, including the Mac and iPad, are also going to be discounted up to 800 RMB ($112) and 400 RMB ($56), respectively, as part of the promotion, which runs from January 18 through January 21.

Although third-party sellers at times discount Apple products, Apple itself very rarely offers deals or sales, part of its effort to maintain a premium brand image – something that has been particularly important as Apple seeks to attract high-end buyers in China.


The move to slash prices on the iPhone comes just over five months after Chinese tech giant Huawei released its latest smartphone, the Mate 60 Pro. The Huawei smartphone has been eagerly embraced by Chinese consumers – so much that its use of an advanced chip has come under scrutiny from US officials.

Around the same time that Huawei’s marquis smartphone was released, the Wall Street Journal reported that China had banned the use of iPhones by central government officials, citing unnamed people familiar with the matter. A Chinese government spokesperson, however, later denied that China had issued any laws or rules to ban the use of iPhones.

lin7979 發表於 3 天前

FB昵稱ID:林進福伺服器:雅典娜遊戲ID:野獸   時間: 2024.7.24 第11天

lin7979 發表於 3 天前

lin7979 發表於 2024-7-24 23:18
FB昵稱ID:林進福伺服器:雅典娜遊戲ID:野獸   時間: 2024.7.24 第11天

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